A Magical Land of Whimsy, Cultural Criticism, and Non-Sequitors.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Those Crazy Evangelicals

I know that evangelicals and other Christians, when trying to defend themselves from the charges of homophobia and bigotry that result from their decision to dedicate their lives to the advancement of the causes of homophobia and bigotry, often recite the slogan "Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner." You know, because it's not really gay people that gross them out. Gay people are fine! It's just all the gay things they do that are problematic, like pursuing members of the same sex for their romantic relationships, or demanding equal rights under the law.

Anyways, I had a thought: given that so many of these prominent purveyors of religiously inspired hatred turn out to be deeply fucked-up closet cases who are perfectly happy to do what they want in their secret lives while punishing those who have the integrity and courage to live their's openly, a more accurate slogan for their movement might be "Hate the Sinner, LOVE the sin!"


  1. You're a very good writer. And while this post is more or less spot on, I've heard it before. You know what I think is interesting about this topic: that church-going homosexuals were more likely to become priests than heterosexuals. Think of it: they believe their sexuality to be a sin, so why not take a job that doesn't permit them to be sexual? Seemed genius, until the many priesthood-child sexual abuse scandals came out.

    I should also point out to you another concerning thing: there is a separation between church and state, and there is a further separation between church and Christianity. I personally don't believe that our modern day idea of church is at all Christian. Although I'm sure that is stating the obvious to non-church-goers.

    I enjoyed your video game posts, too.

  2. I took my a long time to get around to responding to this, but here I go:

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! And, of course, for saying nice things about it.

    I wholeheartedly agree that the modern practice of Christianity is pretty greatly at odds with the actual principles espoused by Christ. One can only imagine what he would have thought of the "Prosperity Gospel" some evangelicals preach nowadays.

    At work once a couple years ago, I overheard a Sunday morning religious program where the host was analyzing biblical passages. He was talking about "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven." The first thing he said was "Now, of course, Jesus wasn't really saying that there's a conflict between being rich and getting in to heaven."

    Then he stretched out a really labored metaphorical interpretation of the passage where it turned out that getting as much money for yourself as you can is a-okay with Jesus. I can only imagine what he'd have to say about "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven."

  3. haha, that's funny. I've witnessed similiar speeches.
